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Angels’ Eyes(天使的眼睛)去泪痕湿巾

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Angels’ Eyes Gentle Tear Stain wipes arerecommended to help remove dried mucus secretions, discharge, and tearstains. Use daily to keep eye exterior clean and help reduce the risk ofeye irritations and itching caused by foreign matter, our uniqueformulation requires no rinsing. Angels’Eyes(天使的眼睛)去泪痕湿巾,可有效帮助清除眼睛周围干燥分泌物,眼屎和泪痕。日常使用以保持眼睛周围清洁,并有效减少眼睛因外部刺激而引起瘙痒或感染的风险,我们的独特天然配方,安全无害,无需冲洗。

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2022 V4.5