Virtalit胶水631591 Viralit X631591 X-631591胶水 |
In addition to the original parent company, 销售深圳代表处:137.5113.6332.蔡先生 Q.Q:3022.24.564. UV systems specialist Dr. H?nle AG (UV / UV LED units and systems, professional lighting technology), the H?nle Group also comprises of the sheet-offset specialist Eltosch Grafix (UV/IR/hotair dryers and peripheral units, e.g. ink fixation) and the UV specialist for rotary printing PrintConcept.Experts in the division glass and lamp manufacturing are Raesch (customized quartz glass components), UV-Technik Speziallampen (lamp manufacturing, e.g. for disinfection) and Aladin (UV lamp manufacturing). A further subsidiary is the adhesives specialist Panacol.